🚨 STREET PHOTOGRAPHY SECRETS revealed by an award-winning street photographer →

Discover the secrets you can use to take your street Photography to the next level in just 40 minutes!

What if you could change the way you see and frame the world — and transform the way you do street photography forever? Well, you can!


🚀 You are about to learn the fastest and easiest way to master street photography...

Are you ready to uncover the secrets of what makes a great street photograph in just 40 minutes!?
(Alternatively, in 3 - 9 minutes a day over just 6 days)

Picture yourself confidently photographing any scene, because that’s exactly where this course will take you.

This isn’t about dull, outdated composition rules or the generic" how to do street photography" tips you’ve seen a million times. This is about understanding the reasons behind why great photographs work, so that you know what to look for and how to use the visual tools that elevate your photos to a whole other level!

So, are you more excited about unlocking your creative eye and seeing street photography opportunities on every corner... or mastering the compositional skills that makes your photo a "keeper"?

With this self-paced on-demand online course, you’ll learn how to:

Go way beyond boring old rules such as “thirds” and “leading lines" and learn what compositional techniques award-winning street photographers use.
Apply the groundbreaking Gestalt Principles of Visual Perception to every shot and get more "keepers" in a shorter amount of time.
Create photographs that resonate with your audience and make your work stand out, and makes you feel confident both on the street and when it comes to sharing your work.

WARNING: This course WILL change the way you see and frame the world — forever.

Ever Feel Like Your Photos Are Missing Something? 

You love going out with your camera, escaping the stresses of the day, and enjoying time to yourself as you wander the streets doing street photography — but sometimes, while you love the process it’s like the magic is missing in the images you capture. Maybe you’ve felt one of these quiet nudges:

❌ You know your shots could be better but you can’t figure out why. You keeping shooting, but it's just not happening.

❌ The streets feel chaotic, and you miss the good stuff or aren't sure how to approach a scene.

❌ You scroll Instagram frustrated and wondering, "How do they do it?" 

 ❌ Your photos don’t tell the story you see in your head. The vibe’s there in your mind, but it’s not showing up in the shot.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. And you’re closer to cracking it than you think. What if you could turn those little “almosts” into "keepers"? That’s exactly where this course takes you.



Watch this short intro video! 

Yes, the intro has my face, however, so there are no surprises, you should know that the rest of the course is made of slides and voice-over so you'll get a LOT of contemporary street photo examples to help inspire your assignments.


Here’s what you’ll learn from this course:


 📸 Unlock the secret formula that turns a snapshot into a masterpiece 

Imagine having a simple, foolproof framework in your back pocket... one that works like a charm whether you’re out shooting on the streets or sifting through your images later. This isn’t just about taking photos; it’s about knowing which ones will stop people in their tracks. Ready to see your photography game change forever?

 📸 Tap into the gestalt principles and watch how much better your photos get 

What if you could harness the hidden science of how people see — and use it to make your shots impossible to ignore? You’ll master visual perception tricks that pull viewers in like a magnet, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary art. Your photos won’t just be seen, they’ll be felt.  

 📸 Rewire your brain to spot the shot before it happens 

Picture this: you’re walking down the street, and suddenly, your mind locks onto an awesome composition no one else notices. This course trains your brain's observation filter to cut through the noise and zero in on THE shot, instinctively. It’s like giving yourself a sixth sense for stunning photography.

 📸 Master the power of the frame like a pro 

Ever wonder why some photos hit you right in the gut? It’s all about the frame and you’re about to crack its code. You’ll learn how to compose shots that command attention, draw the eye exactly where you want it, and leave a lasting impact. This is control you can feel.

 📸 How to use geometry and its hidden power to transform your shots 

Shapes sound simple, right? Wait until you see how these secret weapons transform your photography. You’ll learn how to use geometry to that keeps viewers glued to your images. It’s the edge your photos have been begging for. (And, spoilers, using geometry isn't just about the shapes of buildings or structures...)

 📸 How to take intriguing photos — with or without people

People or no people, you’ll learn exclusive techniques (yep, stuff I’ve never shared anywhere else) to make every frame full with curiosity and story. Imagine taking creative photos you become hooked on making. This is where your unique style takes shape and you can really explore and evolve your talent.

four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat
four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat

Š Polly Rusyn. All rights reserved. These photos  and the photos you'll see inside the course were shot using Fujifilm XT-2 + 23mm f2 Fujinon lens, or with a Fujifilm X100V. Processed in Adobe Lightroom. 




 Street Photography Secrets 

⭐️ Learn the elements of a great photograph ⭐️

This course will revolutionise the way you see candid moments in the street. You’ll discover a blend of science and art that unlocks creativity and builds your confidence as a street photographer.

What you'll master inside the course:

➡️ Lesson 1: Ideas, a Blueprint, and Mindset  

 Shift how you think, and uncover the Secret Formula that turns fleeting moments into stunning shots.

➡️ Lesson 2: Introduction to Gestalt Theory  

 Understand how the brain processes visual information and dive into the first of the Principles of Visual Perception — see the world with fresh eyes in an instant.

➡️ Lesson 3: Subject Separation and Proximity  

 Frame every shot with pinpoint precision using techniques that make your subjects stand out.

➡️ Lesson 4: Similarity and Repetition 

Train your brain's creative filter to leverage the Principles of Visual Perception to spot patterns and connections that pull viewers in — every single time.

➡️ Lesson 5: The Principle of Closure 

Hook your audience with shapes (like the magic triangle) that keep them looking, and take your confidence in your own work to another level!

➡️ Lesson 6: Two-Dimensional Seeing 

Master the most challenging of the Gestalt Principles — and create unforgettable street photography, with or without people that really unleashes your creativity.


Total viewing time of Street Photography Secrets: Just 40 minutes to transform your skills forever 

100%  ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️  5-star track record!



From a photo-snapping beginner (sometimes getting lucky) to an award-winning street photographer knowing what it takes to make a great shot...

Years ago, I took a lot of boring photos that I thought were good because I didn't know any better. But, like you, I wanted to learn. So, as I studied other photographers' work and started to appreciate what was good, what was bad, and what was ugly!

And yet, even after hours on the streets, I’d still come home with an SD card full of disappointment... But, being a self-proclaimed geek who loves figuring out how things work, instead of staying stuck, I dove deep into the science of why some photographs work and others don't. 


I spent days studying and making sense of the Gestalt Principles of Visual Perception and how to apply them to photography.


I analysed the work of the master photographers and figured out all the elements that made their photos so rewarding to look at.


I figured out the secrets behind compelling compositions and the keys to what makes a great story-telling moment.


Through this long process, I developed a simple, proven framework for better street photography. It’s the formula I have taught to 100s of students in my workshops and it's what I’ll deep dive into and share with you in this course. And it works for everyone, once applied, no matter your skill level.

You do still have to practice and hone your skills though! 

Hi, I'm Polly

I’m a pro-photographer, street photography teacher and certified mindset coach. My work has been awarded and exhibited internationally at a number of street photography festivals. It's been published in magazines such as Eyeshot and Nat Geo Traveller UK. I have also given a number of talks about street photography including at the Nat Geo Traveller Masterclasses in London.

"Everything is learnable!"

I’m a former Fujifilm Ambassador, one of a 100 women featured in the first ever “Women Street Photographers” book (curated by Gulnara Samoilova, published 2021), I contributed to "The Travel Photographer's Way" (a Bradt travel guide by Nori Jemil, published 2021), and also "Reclaim the Street" book (by Stephen McLaren and Matt Stuart, published 2023), and I've been invited to judge a couple of street photography competitions.

I'm also the author of two street photography books, with a third on the way! So look out for that :)

four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat
four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat
four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat
four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat
four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat
four silhouettes of men in hats on horseback in the background with a woman in a polkadot spanish flamenco gypsy dress in the foreground and a white horse in the centre looking at the camera with a rider in a pink shirt and brimmed hat

Here's a breakdown of the incredible FREE bonuses exclusively on offer here!

AND the free bonuses that come with the free bonuses.


The Street Photography Playbook

[DIGITAL VERSION of of the #1 Amazon Bestseller]

49 ideas, inspiration, and insights to use as challenges, assignments, and prompts to train your observation.

⭐️ Train your observation so you stop looking and start seeing

⭐️ Develop your creativity and never be short of ideas

⭐️ Learn how to read the street



Photo Deconstruction Files [PDF] — A set of 5 case studies where I deconstruct five of my photographs with contact sheets


Project Starter Pack [PDF] — The what, where, when + how for 5 projects to inspire you how to start shooting to themes


Exposure Cheatsheet [PDF] — An introduction (like no other!) to mastering exposure that makes it so easy to understand you'll wonder why it usually gets overcomplicated!

ACCESSIBLE VIA ANY BROWER OR AN APP — Previously sold at £47 (valued at much more)


The Photo Composition Playbook


39 rules, tools, and hacks to use as ideas, guides, and experiments to train your intuitive composition.

⭐️ Learn the classic rules and the "street" rule breakers

⭐️ Train your compositional intuition

⭐️ Understand how composition can make or break a shot



Beginner's Guide to Fishing [PDF] — An intro to street photography techniques and dos and don'ts when working the scene.


Composition Checklist [PDF] — One-page infographic for easy reference for everything you need to keep an eye on when shooting that you can use as a checklist for making photo selections too!


Cropping Guide [PDF] — One-page infographic on the psychology of how to crop people correctly

ACCESSIBLE VIA ANY BROWER OR AN APP — Previously sold at £47 (valued at much more)


Got questions? I got answers!

You might be wondering if this course is really for you. Let’s delete those doubts so you can step into your next street photography adventure right here, with confidence.

Enroll in Street Photography Secrets TODAY and get instant access to the course + the amazing free BONUSES!

Picture yourself coming home after a day of shooting, not with disappointment — but with photos you’re truly proud of. Imagine the buzz of seeing the world in new ways and creating the kind of images you always wanted to but didn't know how.

No more wasted time shooting on the street! This is your chance to unlock your creative potential and maximise your precious time to get the results you want.

If you're feeling the vibe I know you'll go for it and get started. Because when you apply these techniques, you’ll notice your street shots transform from ordinary to extraordinary.

Once you start using what I'm about to teach you, you’ll see the world in a completely new way... And you street photography will skyrocket!


➡️ Your no-brainer shortcut to stunning shots!



Get the only toolkit you'll ever need that guarantees you’ll have everything to capture awesome street photos, whether you’re starting out or levelling up. 

  • Street Photography Secrets [VIDEO COURSE]
    6 Lessons, total 40 mins, 100% 5-star track record!
  • Course Assignment Notes [PDF] Your quick-reference guide to the course assignments 
  • The Street Photography Playbook [DIGITAL VERSION of the #1 Amazon Bestseller] 49 ideas to spark inspiration so you always have ideas of what to shoot 
  • Photo Deconstruction Files [PDF] 5 case studies with contact sheets to teach you what to look for
  • Project Starter Pack [PDF] 3 project ideas to kickstart your journey
  • Exposure Cheatsheet [PDF] Exposure camera settings made easier than ever
  • The Photo Composition Playbook [DIGITAL VERSION of the book] 39 tools and hacks to help you master composition beyond the usual "rules"
  • Beginner's Guide to Fishing [PDF] Street photography techniques that show you how get THE shot
  • Composition Checklist [PDF] 1-page reminder of what to look out for so you don't miss a thing
  • Cropping Guide [PDF] Perfect how you crop people in your frame
  • AND 10 Ways To Become a Fearless Street Photographer PLUS [18-page eBook
    which is free anytime but for ease it's included in your portal] Replace fear with a game-changing mindset 

📸 This is your moment.  

Take this course and watch your photography transform forever. Because when you apply these secrets, it will. 



You get instant access to ALL this street photography goodness for less than 3% of what you probably paid for your camera! 

And you already understand that great photography isn’t just about the camera — so why not master the secrets behind great street photography?


I have a preference for sunny day photography, although some flat light photos are included as examples in the class. However, assignments are achievable in all lighting conditions. Also, please note that mastery takes practice and patience, so you have to apply what you learn and keep honing your skills.