Imagine having ideas, insights + inspiration in your pocket helping you take better photos!
FOR ONLY £27 (Whaaaaaat?!)
GET THE STREET PHOTOGRAPHY PLAYBOOKPaging all budding street photographers
+ anyone whose mojo is dusty, or whose shutter fingers are rusty!
Does any of this sound familiar?
You go out with your camera but end up wondering what to photograph
You feel like street photography is too darn time consuming
You wonder how to take your street photography to the next level
Well, I have great news for you!
As a street photographer myself know what it’s like to be tight on time, low on mojo, or short of inspiration. I've been there.
Even now, after a number of years of doing street photography I sometimes still get those days every now and again, especially so during a global pandemic! I feel you.
When I was starting out I always wished there was something that I could use as inspiration without having to trawl through books or spend hours online. Something I could dip in and out of easily and have to hand. That’s why I created…
The Street
"The ultimate digital guide to street photography ideas for inspiration seeking street photographers" (yep, it's not a book!)
The Street Photography Playbook can save you hours of walking aimlessly wondering what to photograph. Just imagine having ideas, insights and inspiration in your pocket on your mobile phone meaning you can head out with a project or challenge in mind, or simply dip in when you need it, saving you heaps of time AND helping you take better photographs.
Designed to be easy to digest, whilst being easy to access — you can view it on a browser on your phone or download an app*. Which means no extra weight on the street. Books made of paper are so last season! (Don't get me wrong though I do still love paper note books and novels…)
*I'll send you all the intel on what to do
Picture it… nuggets of inspiration that could lead to a gem of a project idea, or a sparkle of a vision for a photo — literally right there in your pocket... Are you ready to say goodbye to your dusty mojo + your rusty shutter finger?

Leave the house with an idea, challenge or a project already cooking
Maximise your valuable free time with inspiration at your fingertips
Have insights and expert advice to help you take better photos in your pocket
DISCLAIMER - This Playbook is designed to help train your observation, not to define what you photograph. It’s been created to inspire you, not to limit you. Use it as a tool, or a toy. Use it as a way to warm up your brain and tune your eyeballs. Snapping something isn’t enough to make a good photo, you still have to consider the light, the composition, the moment, the story, and all the other elements in the frame — It’s not what you photograph, it’s how you photograph it! The pictures you get as a result of this playbook are very dependant on your overall skills, imagination, and ability — all of which are learnable by the way! While this Playbook by itself isn’t going to make you into an awesome street photographer, it will 100% give you plenty of ideas, insights, and inspiration to get you started on one of the best adventures you've ever been on.
"To me photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place...I've found it has nothing to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them." — ELLIOT ERWITT
The good news is that observation is a skill, and skills can be learnt and mastered!
One way to learn new skills is through focussed repetition, because when you focus on something repeatedly your brain will rewire itself to be unconsciously triggered by the things you’ve previously had to focus on. It becomes intuitive.
The result is that you stop looking, and start seeing.
Whaaaat?! Yep, you will have literally reprogrammed your brain. Some might call this brainwashing. And so do I! But it's brainwashing in a good way.
Here’s the science bit:
Your brain has a supercomputer-like filter that sifts through millions of bits of info and only shows you the stuff you pay attention to so that your brain doesn't explode. It shows you what you feed it. So feed it ideas!
And the long-attention span version:
Have you ever been in the situation where someone is talking to you about something and then you start seeing it everywhere? Well, get comfy kids, because this is fascinating... Did you know that there are millions of bits of sensory information bombarding us every second? And the reason our heads don’t explode and our eyes don’t pop out is because we have a filter in our brains. Think of it as a tiny gate-keeping superhero relentlessly battling with the crazy volume of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations that come our way deciding which ones we pay attention to. But your filter doesn’t have to be the boss of you. You can programme it. I sh*t you not.
The filter seeks out the things you are focussed on. Our reality is literally created by what we pay attention to. And guess what? You can give your filter a task! When you focus on one thing, one trigger, one prompt, one idea, your filter will help you see it. You will start seeing it everywhere. It's happened to me and I’ve seen this happen time and time again on my workshops. And, when you focus on one thing magic starts to happen - sometimes there’s a delay of an hour or two, or even a day — but over time you will start seeing the thing you have been focussing on everywhere you go. This is not witchcraft, this is neuroscience. You will be re-wiring your brain. The more you practice the longer the effect will last, until it becomes part of your programming. You will start responding and reacting intuitively. And the things you have been focussing on become triggers. Your observational skills will improve, and you become a better street photographer. Pretty cool huh?!
Pssst... The Street Photography Playbook is full of brain food.
Some testimonials from people who have attended my workshops, and it's those workshops that formed the foundations for the Playbook.

Get the lowdown on the ideas behind photos like these...
I share my tips, techniques and thought processes inside The Street Photography Playbook. And I promise you won't be faced with endless paragraphs of words. Just enough of them to inspire you, so that you can spend your time making photographs rather than reading (too much!).

"Everybody takes a picture, but taking a picture is very different from making a photograph. A photograph is something that has an idea, that you give shape to, whereas a picture has no consciousness." — JOEL MEYEROWITZ
So what's in the "box"?
This is the ultimate street game of Eye Spy, made from the concentrated juice of over 200 street photography mini-workshops (focussed on different prompts and triggers, compositional challenges and projects), over 20 assignment-based street photography workshops designed around the art of observation and the science of composition. And the result of many months of research, organisation, planning, writing and design, as well as several years of hands-on teaching, and making street photography.
The Street
"The ultimate digital guide to street photography ideas for inspiration seeking street photographers"
Designed to be easy to digest, whilst being easy to access — you can view it on a browser on your phone or download an app*. No extra weight. Books made of paper are so last season! (Full disclosure I do think you should most definitely print your work)
It's not about the amount of time you have, it's how focussed you are.
It's not about the location, it's how creative you are.
*Full details of this will be sent to you, no sweat.
Included in your lifetime access to the beautifully designed + fully illustrated The Street Photography Playbook:
11 categories of idea packed inspiration: GEOMETRY, COLOUR, SHADOWS, SILHOUETTES, GRAPHICS, GLASS, ANONYMOUS, WEATHER, DETAIL, GESTURES + THINGS... (more categories could be added!)
49 ideas and prompts across the categories to feed your brainbox and develop your observation (or simply use as a warm up).
Contemporary street photographs (made by me) to inspire you and illustrate each idea.
Short-attention-span-friendly explainers, bite-size insights, and great ideas on what to think about and what to try when going for the shot — from an experienced street photographer (yes, it’s me again!).
Easy navigation between categories so you can work through the Playbook in order, or pick a category and dive on in.
Track your progress through the Playbook by being able to mark the ideas you've tackled (and then you can undo it and go another time!)
The Street Photography Playbook is like having a series of mini-workshops or challenges at your finger tips that you can take on at your own pace and make the most of your valuable free time. The days of wandering aimlessly will be gone, just let me (in Playbook-form) hang out in your pocket! [No, a mobile phone is not included - cheeky!]
(Estimated value: £805) For you today — one-time payment of only £27
*lifetime access refers to the lifetime of the Department of Street Photography
But wait that's not all!
Check out these free bonuses:

Deconstruction Files
Taking photos using ideas, triggers and prompts is one thing, being able to compose them well is another. It’s not enough to snap a photo and hope for the best. This set of 5 case studies deconstruct 5 photographs to show you what works and what doesn’t (or could be better!).
These case studies reveal:
- 9 photographs from each scene
- The thought process behind the photo
- Notes on the compositional elements
(Value: £95)
Project Starter Pack
Making photos with a project in mind can be really motivating as you are working towards a goal. These 5 awesome project suggestions will help kickstart your own creativity and help generate ideas of series and sets of photographs. One idea often leads to another. Just follow the inspiration…
Short-attention-span-friendly field notes including:
- What, where, when + how for 5 projects
- Street photographs to illustrate them
- Tips on how to approach the project
(Value: £75)

Exposure Cheatsheet
This introduction (like no other!) to exposure will give you that all important foundation for understanding how the pesky exposure triangle works. BUT you can always shoot in P-Mode! (Your observations and compositions are much more important than your settings.)
This one-page infographic covers:
- Explainer of technical terms for newbies
- Secrets of the exposure triangle - exposed!
- Manual settings for inky shadows and cloudy days
(Value: £15)
Total value: £990
That’s probably less than 3% of what you paid for your camera...
It’s also gluten free and 100% organic!
Holy Henri Cartier-Bresson! Whaaaaat?! Nope, that’s not a typo.
Grab it quick before I change my mind!
And… *SPOILER ALERT* - because no one likes surprises - I’m going to offer you another playbook that is the perfect partner to The Street Photography Playbook at an exclusive one-time only reduced price when you hit that big yellow button! And after that I'll even be offering you savings on a Written Portfolio Review). Yes, I have lost my mind. Help me get help.
I KNOW A BARGAIN WHEN I SEE ONEIt’s like having me in your pocket!
Who am I? Hello, My name is Polly Rusyn — I’m a pro-photographer. My work has been awarded and exhibited internationally at a number of street photography festivals, and published in magazines such as Eyeshot and Nat Geo Traveller UK. I have also given talks about street photography at the Nat Geo Traveller Masterclasses in London. I’m a Fujifilm Ambassador (AKA Official Fujifilm X-Photographer), one of a 100 women featured in the first ever “Women Street Photographers” book (curated by Gulnara Samoilova, published 2021), and I contributed to "The Travel Photographer's Way" (a Bradt travel guide by Nori Jemil, published 2021). And recently I was a Finalist in the Series Category at the London Street Photography Festival (LSPF) 2021. I watch Brooklyn 99 on repeat, and might have an actual cheese addiction….

HEALTH WARNING - The side effects of doing street photography include:
- Inspiration might motivate you to keep walking and making pictures, resulting in improved fitness.
- Intense focus could lead to mindfulness or a condition known as “Flow” resulting in better mental health.
- Fresh air, exercise, and mindfulness, along with feelings of creative achievement may cause your brain to release happiness hormones. So you get a DOSE of Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins.
- DOSE is known to be the perfect breeding ground for increased creativity.
Still not sure? Maybe you've got questions... Well I've got answers.
Can’t I just make a list of things to look for myself?
How much detail do you go into with each prompt or idea?
What is your refund policy?
Will this help me learn how to use my camera?
I’m not very confident about photographing people, what should I do?
I prefer black and white photography, is this any use to me?
Just think… prompts and triggers to warm you up, insights behind photos to inspire you, and instant ideas for projects and challenges at your finger tips.

Leave the house with an idea, challenge or a project already cooking
Maximise your valuable free time with inspiration at your fingertips
Have insights and expert advice to help you take better photos in your pocket
The Street
"The ultimate digital guide to street photography ideas for inspiration seeking street photographers"
I still clearly remember when I started out as a street photographer and how many times I went out with my camera and wondered what I was going to photograph. Often I didn’t have much time, so it felt like the pressure was on. And more often than not I came home with nothing that was any good.
It’s only when I started to narrow what I was hunting for that I started to get results, and overtime because of practice and with having trained my observation I can go out and make pictures with limited time on my hands. And it's because I have a bunch of ideas in my head that I can play with and expand upon.
I’ll be honest I still get the odd day where by brain is lazy and my eyes are sleepy, and it seems like the street has nothing for me, and that's when I pick a prompt and hunt for it just like in the olden days! It gets me warmed up and helps me get going again.
And since then after running many workshops using observational prompts as trigger-training, time and time again people have told me how great it is to have a specific idea to focus on, and not just something random, but something that can be incorporated into a story in your photo. Ideas are there to be interpreted, and the more ideas you have the more opportunities you see on the street.
I'm giving you (almost) all of my ideas!!!
Photographing one idea doesn’t mean you have a great picture, it means you have one ingredient, and that’s why the bonuses are so awesome, because you get project ideas, an exposure cheatsheet, and invaluable deconstruction of five photographs.
Plus, I'm sharing lots of tips and gems of advice!
"This is not any old street photography playbook, this is THE Street Photography Playbook."
So, for the love of street photography hit that button and get access.
Do it do it!

Here's everything you get for just £27
(worth £990)
1. Lifetime access to The Street Photography Playbook
No need to carry a physical book around or hunt for a PDF eBook that you can't remember where you filed. Your playbook is designed to be viewed on a mobile device (either via a browser or through an app) featuring...
- 11 categories of easy to navigate idea packed inspiration including: GEOMETRY, COLOUR, SHADOWS, SILHOUETTES, GRAPHICS, GLASS, ANONYMOUS, WEATHER, DETAIL, GESTURES + THINGS...
- 49 ideas + prompts across the categories to start to train your observational skills with intel-rich short-attention-span-friendly explainers, bite-size insights, and so many ideas to get you going.
- Contemporary street photographs for each idea (made by me) to inspire you and illustrate one approach to making a picture, then it's over to you!
2. BONUS #01 - Deconstruction Files
- 5 case studies so you can see the process of working a scene and get an invaluable insight about what works and what could be improved.
3. BONUS #02 - Project Starter Pack
- 5 awesome project ideas to kick you off and give you an extra focus in mind in addition to the triggers and prompts from the Playbook.
4. BONUS #03 - Exposure Cheatsheet
- 1 fabulous one-page infographic that demystifies the pesky exposure triangle, and some of the other settings-y things that can put you off getting started.
- The opportunity to add-on the perfect partner that will really elevate your street playtime: The Photo Composition Playbook — at a one-time only mega reduced price at check-out (not available to be purchased by itself). Be prepared, be very prepared (CUE DRAMATIC MUSIC) Aaaaaand, after that you will also be offered some savings on a Written Portfolio Review too.
*Lifetime access refers to the lifetime of the Department of Street Photography

Are you in?
Get access now for £27 yes, ONLY £27
(no need to rub your eyes or refresh the page - it’s for reals)
Get hold of this treasure trove of ideas along with the inspirational bonuses for less than it costs to get a round of drinks and a packet of peanuts!
Once you press this button you will be transported to the payment page where you can review your order, add-on The Photo Composition Playbook at an exclusive one-time reduced price (if, and only if you want it) So, grab your debit or credit card and treat yourself. You know you're worth it!